Monday, August 18, 2008


We must say these words lots to Dru because he'll say it and shake his finger at you. Dru has been very busy. He figured out to escape from the living room. He can climb up on the couch and he goes over the arm of the couch. I thought I would be smart and move the couch and pack n play around. That didn't stop him. He tried to go over the back of the couch. He has definetly earned the name "Monkey" he likes to climb on the couch and look out the window. He is very busy!

Just when I thought we would have a break from teething he gets more. The grand total right now is 16! Our dentist asked if I was pregnant for 18 months. He has his 2 year old molars.

My job search is still in full swing. I've had interviews. Clint is doing good. As always he has the best job ever!!


Aly Scott said...

WOW! So that is what my life will be like in a couple weeks. ha! The girls are busy as well. My girls have 10 teeth if I could both mouths. WOW...16 teeth. That is insane. We know he is healthy.
So now I have to know what Clint does for a living since he has the best job ever?! Do tell...