Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Daycare Friends and 18 month stats

Dru has many friends at Julie's. He is no longer the only boy!! Piper (4) Parker (6 months) Lucas (5 months) and Reece (almost a year old). Piper and Parker are sisters.

Dru had his 18 month check today
weight 31.8
height 37 (We think it is more like 34)
He is in good health. He gets to take a Flintstones vitamin now! He only had to have one shot!!


Aly Scott said...

Looks like Dru has a blast at daycare! I love my in-home place the girls go to. They have lots of friends too!
At the end of the month we take the girls for their 18 month check up. It'll be interesting to see the difference. We think Ava is taller then Grace by at least an inch. Thanks for the update!!