Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Dru was a monkey for Halloween this year! Friday my mom and I took him for pictures. He didn't really want his picture taken. They were only able to get 2 pictures and only 1 was good. I did get my money's worth out of his costume. He didn't want to take it off. 9am to 4pm. We didn't go trick or treating since it was really cold and windy.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Big Ten Hall of Fame!

Well Mr. Dru is on the Big Ten Network page again! I submitted the picture. This is what the person had to say about Dru! "Dru is a cutie and clearly a big fan!" Here is the link:

I'm sorry about not posting birthday pictures! I will get them posted. Things have been a little crazy here!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Cake!

Here is Dru's cake!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dru is 2!

My baby is officially 2 now!

Dru went for his 2 year check up on June 23rd! Here are the stats: Weight 36 lbs! Height 38"!!! He also had to have a blood draw. They took it from his arm and it took two tries. Poor baby :( His lead levels came back normal. His platelets were on the low side so he has to have another draw on the 14th. Clint and I have, of course, did our research. We think that his levels could be low because he had hand, foot and mouth in June.

Dru celebrated his birthday by taking monkey cupcakes to Julie's house! I let him help a little. I didn't send those.

After supper Dru opened presents! He was so cute sitting on the couch like a big boy opening all of his presents.

We are doing his party on Sunday, July 5th! I'm making a Monkey Cake! Pictures to come later.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


We had a family pictures taken this weekend! Dru also had his 2 year old pictures. I can't believe that my baby will be two in less than 2 weeks.

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Dru's tent

Today for Father's day Clint made Dru a tent! Clint covered the bed with a blanket! He even got in the tent with Dru! What a great dad!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Harley Spurgeon Family Pictures

So I finally got the link from our pictures that we had taken on Saturday with Kevin and Roberta. We had them taken at JcPenneys. They let Kevin bring his bike in. Dru wasn't for sure about it all of it at first and then he was hamming it up!

Customer Name Missi Spurgeon